Luis Arce (al centro), economista del Mas, festeggia la sua elezione a presidente della Bolivia a far data dall’8 novembre 2020; a destra, il suo vice David Choquehuanca, di etnia aymara. Foto: Ronaldo Schemidt / AFP. Bolivia's leftist presidential candidate Luis Arce of the Movement for Socialism party removes his facemask before speaking, flanked by running mate David Choquehuanca (R), during a press conference early on October 19, 2020, in La Paz, Bolivia. - Bolivian presidential candidate Luis Arce, the leftist heir to former leader Evo Morales, appeared headed to a first-round election victory on October 18, 2020 with 52.4 percent of the vote, according to an authoritative exit poll from TV station Unitel. (Photo by RONALDO SCHEMIDT / AFP)


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